Why you need postpartum support
You will be faced with new challenges every day after having your baby. But if you create a Postpartum Plan with me, I can ease your worries and make your transition into motherhood so much easier and more enjoyable.
Most new moms wish they had four hands and more “me time”. I can be there for you to:
- change diapers
- take your baby for a stroll
- Hold your baby while you do other things
- Keep your baby entertained while you take a nap
There is so much to learn with a new baby and I’ll be right there to answer every question you have about:
- feeding
- sleep habits
- bathing the baby
- growth patterns
- vaccination
- jaundice
- sibling rivalry
- helping pets adjust
- nutrition
Breastfeeding seems like the most natural thing in the world, but for some it can be a nightmare. When your baby doesn’t latch on well, your nipples develop painful cracks and just the thought of breastfeeding makes you cry. I can help you prevent or solve breast or bottle feeding problems.
Lack of sleep is debilitating. Unfortunately, as a new parent you will no longer be able to get a full, undisturbed night’s sleep. But if you can recognize your newborn’s sleep patterns, you and your baby can get more sleep.
The most common questions I can answer for you are:
- How can I tell if she’s waking from hunger or habit?
- Why does my baby wake up as soon as I lay him down in the crib?
- Why does my baby wake up at night?
- A what age will my newborn begin to sleep soundly through the night?
- I’m nursing. Is it safe for my baby to sleep in my bed?
- At 4 months, my baby was sleeping through the night, but now, 2 months later, he’s waking up again. What do you think is going on?
I can help you:
- Resolve sleep problems
- Provide techniques to calm you and your baby
- Create a mutual support system between you and your partner
Babies communicate using sounds, gestures, and body movements. But when you can’t understand the message your baby is trying to convey, you both feel frustrated and helpless!
I will teach you your baby’s language so that you can feel secure taking care of her and so much happier as a new mom.
After giving birth you can feel an emptiness inside, feel disconnected from your body, and no longer feel like yourself.
Belly binding helps you to:
- Feel supported physically and emotionally.
- Soothe your nervous system.
- Improves posture.
- Support abdominal wall muscle retraction.
- Support loosened ligaments.
- Support the torso while vital organs return to their pre-pregnancy size and position.
- Support your abdomen, pelvic region, and back without restriction
- Reduce pressure on post surgical birth incisions.
After giving birth, you are completely dedicated to your beautiful baby and you don’t have time to cook. But eating properly and healthily is extremely important to increase the amount of breast milk and provide the right nutrients to your body, which must now feed another human.
When your first child arrives, you are able to give all of your attention to him. But if you already have other children, how do you divide yourself among them? It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed!
Caring for your house is the last thought for a new mother.
Better a sink full of dishes and an extra hour of sleep!
Even if I’m not like the cleaning lady, I can relieve you of the hassle of seeing a messy house. If you are like me, a tidy house makes you feel calm.
I can:
- wash the dishes
- clean the kitchen
- clean the bathroom
- do the laundry
- vacuum
- sweep and wash the floors
- dust furniture
If you have pets, taking care of them is another thing I can do for you.
I love all animals and connect well with them!
Because of your new responsibilities, stress, and hormonal changes, your post childbirth emotions are like a roller-coaster with sudden ups and downs. It will be difficult for you to make sense of how you feel, so don’t be surprised if your partner fails to understand you too.
It’s common to feel lost, helpless, and overwhelmed in your role as a mother. I’ll tell you a secret; you will learn to become a good mother over time along with your baby, throughout her many changing phases.
I will listen to, support, and accompany you until you feel ready to walk the path of motherhood.
Baby blues, Postpartum Depression, and worst-case scenario, postpartum psychosis. Can you recognize the signs and risks?
Baby Blues is more common and appears during the first few days after giving birth and could last a couple of weeks. If it does not go away it can become more serious and turn into postpartum depression, which requires urgent support. Psychosis depression, on the other hand, is life-threatening and very serious, requiring medication. Fortunately only 1-2% of women suffer from it.
Many women suffer unnecessarily, because they are
embarrassed or uncertain that they have PPD, and most moms think, “That won’t be me”.
Postpartum depression affects between one quarter and one-half of all women, and I will help you recognize and treat it.
Giving birth is a traumatic event for both the mother and the child due to the increased load of stress to which your body and spirit are subjected.
Energy healing is a complementary modality that does not rule out any Western medicine you might need, but rather enhances your physical and emotional healing process.
The energy healing methods I use are:
– Butterfly Touch Massage is based on gentle bioenergetics and melts tension, heals trauma, and brings life energy from your core to your surface and beyond.
– Reiki works with the energetic, physical, and emotional aspects of your body and helps to:
- Decrease physical pain
- Clear emotional blocks
- Increase your mental clarity
- Deal with your issues
- Balance your energy
– Massage releases tension in the muscles, increases lymphatic flow, and allows for deep relaxation.
– Womb healing restores harmony in your reproductive organs and brings balance to your menstrual cycle. It offers a gentle way of clearing out the pain from your past caused by trauma or abuse, and opens a new way into your future. You may want experience a womb healing to honour times of transition and major life events such as:
- childbirth,
- recovering from a miscarriage or hystorechtomy,
- post abortion care,
- embracing your feminine energy.
Postpartum ceremony. A healing and nurturing ceremony for the postpartum stage can help you release a lot of emotional and physical tension and make you feel calm and empowered.
Package n.1
17.000,- Nok
✓ 1 visit before birth
✓ Postpartum plan
✓ 10 hours support. Suggested:
– 1st week: 2 days, 2 hours each. – 2nd week: 2 days, 2 hours each. – 3rd week: 1 day, 2 hours each.
✓ Unlimited consultation by phone or messages
Package n.2
37.000,- Nok
✓ 4/5 visits before birth
✓ Postpartum plan
✓ 20 hours support. Suggested:
– 1st week: 3 days, 4 hours each. – 2nd week: 2 days, 3 hours each. – 3rd week: 1 day, 2 hours each.
✓ Unlimited consultation by phone or messages
✓ Access to all my postpartum services
Package n.3
30.000,- Nok
✓ 1 visit before birth
✓ Postpartum plan
✓ 20 hours support. Suggested:
– 1st week: 3 days, 4 hours each. – 2nd week: 2 days, 3 hours each. – 3rd week: 1 day, 2 hours each.
✓ Unlimited consultation by phone or messages
✓ Access to all my postpartum services
You can customize each package to meet your specific needs by contacting me via the button below.
Frequently Asked Questions
A postpartum doula supports a family in the immediate postpartum period with practical, emotional and educational assistance.
She can perform one of the following tasks:
• Assistance with breastfeeding • Prepare feedings and / or bottle-feed a baby • Take care of older siblings • Preparation of meals • Do light housework ◦ eg. washing and ironing, light cleaning • Provide support at night • Education and information on parenting problems
A postpartum doula is there to support a new mother in caring for her newborn and provide her with the care and information she needs to orient herself in the first few weeks of parenting. She does not act as a nurse or midwife, so it does not provide clinical care such as monitoring a baby’s growth or administering medications. A postpartum doula is not a nanny who only looks after older children, nor is she a cleaning lady. She is there to help parents develop new skills to enable them to develop confidence in their new role.
A doula supports a woman and her partner during pregnancy, birth, and the early weeks of parenting, with reassurance, practical assistance, and information.
A doula is someone you come to know well by the time of your birth, and who is there during your labor, by your side, focused solely on you and your partner. She can encourage you, remain objective, and help your partner feel more confident about how to support you. She can also assist you with practical knowledge on comfort measures for labor, such as massage and suggestions for positioning. A doula can provide information when you have questions, and can help you communicate most effectively with your medical caregivers.
The main focus of a doula’s role is often on the birth itself, but doula support can also be invaluable during pregnancy (especially if you face questions about tests or complications), and after the birth when she can help out with feeding and adjusting to life with a newborn.
There are a few things a doula is not.
She is not acting as a nurse or midwife, so she does not provide clinical care such as doing examinations on you or checking your baby’s heartbeat. The support a doula provides fits together with, but does not replace, the care of your doctor, midwife, or nurses.
Doulas do not make decisions for you, or speak for you. This is your birth, your baby, your life!
A doula supports you by providing information and explanations you may want about your choices, but it’s always you who decides what’s best for you.
Research shows the effectiveness of a doula in reducing the medicalization of delivery so much so that WHO recently affirmed that doulas are a precious presence during childbirth and that every woman should have a doula on her side.
“Continuous support during labour may improve outcomes for women and infants, including increased spontaneous vaginal birth, shorter duration of labour, and decreased caesarean birth, instrumental vaginal birth, use of any analgesia, use of regional analgesia, low five-minute Apgar score and negative feelings about childbirth experiences.
We found no evidence of harms of continuous labour support. Subgroup analyses should be interpreted with caution, and considered as exploratory and hypothesis-generating, but evidence suggests continuous support with certain provider characteristics, in settings where epidural analgesia was not routinely available, in settings where women were not permitted to have companions of their choosing in labour, and in middle-income country settings, may have a favourable impact on outcomes such as caesarean birth.”
Continuous support for women during childbirth, Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) 7(2) · July 2017
Doula and Partner
The birth of your baby is a very private event. You might be wondering if a doula will replace or exclude your partner or intrude.
The role of the doula is never to take the place of husbands or partners in labor but rather to compliment and enhance their experience.
The birth of your baby is a very private event. You might be wondering if a doula will replace or exclude your partner or intrude.
The role of the doula is never to take the place of husbands or partners in labor but rather to compliment and enhance their experience.
I serve as a trauma-informed conscious birth doula and I help women have a less fearful and painful birth and prevent postpartum depression.
Thinking and working holistically means I provide support that looks at the whole person and considers your physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. I give you my full individual attention. In fact, I prefer to have only one or at most 2 clients at the same time. Oh! How I like to pamper you and make you feel good!
We will get to know each other on a very deep level so I can fully understand your desires and fears, be your advocate so you can have your birth your way, and work together in an environment of mutual trust.
You will receive many tools to help you feel empowered. You will learn exercises to relieve common pregnancy symptoms, the best positions during childbirth, nutrition, and everything about the physiology of childbirth so that you feel confident in yourself and your abilities.
I will help you connect with your body and your emotions in a deeper way so that you can calm your fears and stay fully present to bring more ease to your birth experience.
You will discover that you have a super power! I’ll teach you how to use your superpower during birth, then continue to use it into motherhood.
If you wish, you can opt to receive Gentle Bio-energetics and Reiki to support and restore the energy of you and your baby from pregnancy to childbirth to postpartum.
People often confuse the figure of the doula with that of the midwife or ask me if it is a new profession.
The word “doula” comes from ancient Greek, meaning “Woman’s servant.” Doulas have been at women’s sides as long as midwives. Traditionally only the midwife, a helper and the mother would have been present at birth. Doulas were the women-helpers; women of age who had been-there-done-that, they were old enough to understand the work being done.
These women were always there to give massage or apply a cool washcloth, help in and out of positions to labor in, fetch the midwife’s tools or herbs, give emotional support and encouragement, and give tips.
Her role was and is to create a calm and safe environment and expertly soothe and support the birthing mother.
Comments & Reviews
Tamara was the perfect doula. Attentive, committed, warm and knowledgeable...
Tamara was the perfect doula. Attentive, committed, warm and knowledgeable, Tamara really helped me throughout my fourth delivery. Throughout the entirety of the labour she never once left my side or chit-chatted with the midwife, she just helped relieve the pain by massaging my back and suggesting the most appropriate positions. Once the birth was over, she waited until we were settled in our room before she left. Once back home, she brought wholesome, home-made food lasting over a week. I was all in all very impressed with her.
Tamara is a sweet Moon Mother and a powerful healer
Anna Kristin
I attended Tamara’s Womb Blessing and Women’s Circle in 2019. She has a lot of knowledge and she holds space for spiritual community in Oslo. Tamara is a sweet Moon Mother and a powerful healer.
I’ve realized how important it is to learn more about your body and mind as a woman- in order to live to the fullest in harmony with nature-
Tamara is an amazing woman! She is always proposing new activities, coordinating people, and coming up with interesting things to learn or do in group meetings. I’ve realized how important it is to learn more about your body and mind as a woman- in order to live to the fullest in harmony with nature- all thanks to her. I really recommend Tamara.
My period adjusted after the Womb Blessing and healing
You mentioned during our session of Womb Blessing and Healing, that the work will adjust the menstrual period. I want to share with you that my period just came yesterday, which made it 26 days instead of 19-21 days how I’ve been having it for the past 3 months. So it seems your power worked for me! I’m very happy about this and very grateful. Thank you so much!
She guided me to remember and reconnect with my bodies and wisdom!
After the Womb Blessing, I have been feeling a powerful connection and call from my womb. I have also been experiencing a creative burst and more confidence in my capacity to share my offerings with the world. It brought a lot of synchronicity and connected me to the old ways in which dragons were representations of the Earth’s energy lines and the womb revering cultures. Thank you Tamara for guiding me to remember and reconnect with this energy that I will take in my work with women to reclaim our bodies and wisdom!
I manage to stay present and deal with pain in a gentle way
I can say I had a conscious birth where I manage to stay present and deal with pain in a gentle way. All the things from the course “Conscious Birth” were very useful and breathing using vowels was the key for me.
The birth was a gentle home-birth as I hoped
Thank you for the support in the Conscious Birth workshop. The birth was a gentle home-birth in water as I hoped for and no fear was present, just trust and surrender.
Special support for fathers
A Father
Thank you for being present. I felt safer especially in the most difficult moments.
Tamara’s Sleep Workshop is nothing like any other parenting workshop in Oslo
Tamara’s Sleep Workshop is nothing like any other parenting workshop in Oslo. There is a lot of information that everybody should know. It must be spread as much as possible so that we can all get a good night’s sleep!
Get In Touch
Let’s talk about how I can help you.
The first meeting is free and there is no obligation.